We Need a Whole New Understanding of What it Means to be Human.
We are not static humans living separate from Nature and Cosmos.
We are human “beings in process,” intertwined with, and dependent upon a larger evolutionary process that is alive, ever evolving, and filled with intelligence.
Remembering and recovering our place in the web of life, we access a cosmic heritage stretching back approximately 14 billion years.
A cosmic heritage that includes life emerging from matter, complex adaption, and ever-evolving life forms; including the Earth itself. From this context the human finds a new source of wisdom and inspiration going forward -supported by a whole new human story of cosmogenesis.
Cosmogenesis is the origin and development of the universe. In my work I use the term to describe the emergence of new forms generated by culture and the various earthlings and beings (trees, oceans, microbes, animals) most of whom are not human.
This is a story of interdependence, interconnectedness and symbiogenesis with all of life.
We become an interbeing–Interbeing is a term used by the Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thích Nhất Hạnh, to emphasize the connection each of us have with one another and all living things.
This interbeing is a new form and expression of human emergence that is calling us.