How do we embody the next phase of human being and becoming that is calling us?
BARBARA KARLSEN’S workshops are living laboratories of life where movement, sound, and Nature immersions are used to awaken and activate evolutionary consciousness and flow.
Joining our biological system with the ecological system, we access a complimentary of bio-cosmic wisdom and living consciousness. Embodying this living consciousness, we actively engage in the most extraordinary planetary transformation of our time.
BARBARA KARLSEN’S workshops are living laboratories of life where movement, sound, and Nature immersions are used to awaken and activate evolutionary consciousness and flow. Joining our biological system with the ecological system, we access a complementarity of bio- cosmic wisdom and living consciousness. Embodying this living consciousness, we actively engage in the most extraordinary planetary transformation of our time.
“Barbara emanates a deep presence that helps me feel safe to go deeply into my process.. She is so “there,” I know wherever I am exploring is the right place, which adds to the freedom I feel to invite the unexpected. Barbara’s careful language and clarity lend rewarding insights. Her passion and expertise insure that I am always rewarded by my journey under her guidance.”
“Barbara is someone who dedicates herself to transmit a deep understanding of her work and to create a field in the space that invites an embodied experience of the creative forces at work. Therefore I have found that Barbara’s commitment supports me to engage more fully bringing deeper learning and insight. For this I am grateful.”
“As a body centered therapist and life coach with over 30 years experience, I can honestly say that Barbara’s work is some of the most potent I’ve ever experienced. The movement she teaches is gentle, safe and by-passes the limitations of our thinking to directly access the wisdom in our bodies. If you want to make a shift in your life, I highly recommend working with Barbara. She can help you transcend what is keeping you stuck and re-wire your system to a natural state of joy and ease.”